Solvent-Based Resin Based Surface Hardening Cure Liquid

It provides optimum strength by keeping water within the concrete with the film layer it forms on the surface applied on solvent-based, freshly poured concrete.

Areas of Use

- It is applied in all kinds of field concrete, channel and flume concretes and all surface hardener applications.

- It is used in industrial areas such as factories, material stores, workshops, shopping malls with heavy traffic, fairgrounds, metro stations, pavement and pedestrian roads, garage, parking lot, loading and unloading areas, gas stations.

- It should be used especially in any weather conditions where evaporation is high.

- The water in the fresh concrete slows down the evaporation rate and enables it to reach high strengths.

- It prevents shrinkage cracks and surface dust.


Preparation of the Surface

- In order not to damage the surface, the concrete must have sufficiently set.

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